The Township of Cavan Monaghan Zoning By-law 2018-58, as amended regulates how a property can be developed and implements the objectives and policies of the Township Official Plan.
Our Zoning By-law states exactly:
- how land may be used
- where buildings and other structures can be located
- the types of buildings that are permitted and how they may be used
- the lot sizes and dimensions, parking requirements, building heights and setbacks from the street
You can find the zoning of your property:
- by viewing the Township of Cavan Monaghan Zoning By-law 2018-58 Schedules (please note that the Schedules may not reflect the most up to date information and therefore you are advised to verify the zone through the two options below);
- as a layer on the County of Peterborough Public GIS Website; or
- by contacting our Planning Department at 705-932-9321.
If you are interested in building or renovating in the Township, please check the Zoning By-law regulations for your property before applying for a building permit. Building permits start with planning review and can take longer if planning isn't consulted first.
To begin your planning consultation, you can submit a land use inquiry to the Planning Department.
Letter of Compliance
Often, when a property is listed for sale, the lawyer acting on behalf of the prospective purchaser will request a letter of compliance for zoning and work orders. The fees for these requests can be found in the User Fees and Charges By-law.
Zoning Request & Work Orders (Combined) $85.00 per roll no.
Zoning Request $ 55.00 per roll no.
Work Orders $40.00 per roll no.
If a zoning request and/or work order is needed with less than 48 hours notice, there is an additional 25% premium on the user fee per roll no.
Making Changes
Sometimes, there are situations where the zone on a property doesn't meet the property owner's project goals. In these situations, we require that property owners arrange a pre-consultation with our Planning Department to find an application process that fits the property owner's budget, timeline and vision for their project.
There are two types of applications that will allow you to modify the zoning requirements for your property:
Zoning By-law Amendment (Rezoning) Application
The Zoning By-law Amendment Application is found on the Planning Applications and Fees page.
A rezoning provides specific relief from our Zoning By-law if Council agrees the request conforms to the Official Plan and the relevant Provincial interests.
Minor Variance Application
The Minor Variance Application is found on the Planning Applications and Fees page.
A minor variance provides specific relief from our Zoning By-law if the Committee of Adjustment agrees that the request is minor. Minor variances maintain the general intent of our Zoning By-law and Official Plan. Read our minor variance brochure to learn more about the process.
Finding more information
You can find more information about zoning by-laws through the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Citizen's Guide to Zoning By-laws.