Local Government
The Township of Cavan Monaghan is a lower tier municipality governed by a 5-member Council comprised of the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, and three Councillors who represent the wards of Cavan, Millbrook, and North Monaghan. Cavan Monaghan is a part of the upper tier County of Peterborough with the Mayor and Deputy Mayor representing the Township on the County of Peterborough Council.
Council members serve for a four-year term of office. As part of their role as a Councillor, members also serve on a variety of Committees that support municipal operations including: Committee of Adjustment, Millbrook Business Improvement Area (B.I.A.) Board of Management, Library Board, Millbrook Valley Trails Advisory Committee and Municipal Revitalization and Heritage Advisory Committee (MRHAC).
Council meetings are open to the public.
Appear as a Delegate
The Township of Cavan Monaghan welcomes members of the public to speak at our meetings to Council through a delegation process.
To be a delegation at Council you must:
- First complete a request form and send it to the Clerk at least five business days before the meeting, explain why you want to speak to Council and provide as much detail as possible.
- The Clerk will confirm with you the meeting and time you will be attending.
- You can include hand outs and presentations. You must provide them to the Clerk at least five business days before of the meeting.
- You will stand at the podium and speak to Council for 10 minutes and there is five minutes for questions.
Our Procedural By-law has full guidelines on Council and Committee meetings.
Council Meetings
1st and 3rd Monday of the month – commence at 1:00 p.m.
Please email requests to Cindy Page, Clerk or fax to 705-932-3458 or contact the Clerk's Department at 705-932-9324 if you require further information.