Streetscape Design Guidelines

The Township of Cavan Monaghan has been proactive in pursuing initiatives to encourage downtown revitalization and continues to do so through the development and implementation of the Detailed Streetscape & Design Guidelines. There have been accomplishments made through municipal, focus and service group intiatives in the past that have resulted in subsequent community improvements. This is an obvious testimony to the leadership, organization and drive of the Township, its businesses and residents.

The Detailed Streetscape & Design Guidelines are a critical component to the implementation of the Downtown Millbrook Revitalization Strategy (DMRS) as it relates to specific objectives for physical improvement. They build upon the conceptual design guidelines, provided by Basterfield & Associates as part of the original DMRS, by providing an additional layer of detail for facade improvement and a toolkit that can be used by both staff and property owners in the direction of development downtown and the transformation of building facades.

The Detailed Streetscape & Design Guidelines support the Township of Cavan Monaghan's Corporate Strategic Plan's goal to "Create an environment that supports local business and the attraction of visitors to the community". As noted in Stempski Kelly's guideline document, facade improvement projects can improve the overall look and feel of a community's main street or commercial areas, helping them become more desirable as a destination.

The Detailed Streetscape & Design Guidelines can also act as a tool to implement and administer the Township's newly adopted Official Plan.

If you have any questions about the project and/or the Streetscape and Design Guidelines, please contact Brigid Ayotte, Economic and Community Development Co-ordinator, tel: (705)-932-9339 or by email: