
Millbrook is unique, culturally diverse and is rich in heritage and history. It boasts an amazing 45 historically designated buildings. Millbrook has the most historically designated buildings, per capita, then any other town in Ontario and recently in Canada. Downtown Millbrook has some of the most prominent historic buildings in the area. In 1875, a tragic fire known as The Great Fire, destroyed most of Millbrook's buildings along Tupper and King Street.

The Municipal Revitalization and Heritage Advisory Committee

The Municipal Revitalization and Heritage Advisory (MRHA) Committee is a committee of the Township of Cavan Monaghan Council. The MRHA Committee has been appointed to advise Council on matters relating to implementation of revitalization throughout the Township with consideration being given to the protection and promotion of the Township's heritage resources and features.

The Municipal Heritage Recognition Awards

Have a Look Around Your Community!

The Township of Cavan Monaghan's Municipal Revitalization and Heritage Advisory Committee is now receiving nominations for the Municipal Heritage Recognition Awards. The purpose of the Municipal Heritage Recognition Award is to recognize and honour individuals or businesses that have made changes to their home or business which are in keeping with and sympathetic to the historic integrity of the structure, site or landscape and/or who have made significant contributions to the preservation and/or awareness of the natural, architectural, narrative or archival history of the Township. The Award will also seek to educate and inspire others in the Community to do the same.

Nomination forms are available online or can be dropped off or picked up at the Municipal Office at 988 County Road 10, Millbrook, ON L0A 1G0.

For more information please contact: Brigid Ayotte, Economic & Community Development Co-ordinator, Tel: 705-932-9339 Email: bayotte@cavanmonaghan.net