By-laws and Policies
Common By-laws and Policies:
- Accountability and Transparency Policy
- Council Code of Conduct
- Development Charges
- Discharge of Firearms
- Disposal of Refuse, Debris and Snow
- Disposition of Land
- Dumping of Fill and Alteration of Grade
- Entrance Permit By-law
- Municipal Alcohol Policy
- Municipal Complaint Policy
- Noise By-law
- Open Air Burning By-law
- Parkland
- Personnel Policy
- Pools
- Procedural By-law
- Property Standards
- Purchasing
- Records Retention
- Respect in the Workplace
- Respecting Smoking in Township
- Sewer By-law
- Sign By-law
- Site Plan Control By-law
- Telecommunications Structures Procedure Policy
- Traffic and Parking
- Use of Corporate Resources for Election Purposes
- User Fee and Charges
- Waste Management
- Water and Sewer Charges
Can't find what you are looking for? Please contact the Clerk's Department.