Frequently Asked Questions
Despite the presence of mould being identified in previous facility reviews, the results of air quality testing conducted by Cambium Inc. and EMC Scientific Incorporated Laboratory Analysis in 2023 did not indicate significant risk in the air quality at that time.
However, when the sampling was carried out again in 2024, the results indicated a significant and concerning increase in the mould levels. In consultation with a specialist in environmental law, it was recommended that the facility be closed to the public at once until more comprehensive testing and analysis could be carried out.
December 16th, 2024 Report to Council: Mould Assessment Results and Required Remediation at Millbrook Arena
The Millbrook arena has had several engineering and structural reviews over the last 10 years. In 2019, there were a series of investigations into the condition of the various elements of the facility (see links #9, #10 and #11).
In 2014 there was an Arena Needs Assessment Report presented to Council. Despite the facility being classified as “very deficient” and requiring between $400,000 to $1,000,000 of improvements to keep the facility in working order for the next 5-10 years (see link 2014 Arena Needs Feasibility Study) there was no significant structural repairs or investment made into the facility.
All of the previous assessments and reports were provided to the Rethink Group in 2022 when the company began their work on the Vision 2035 – Strategic Plan for Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan update.
In Phase 1 of the Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan update, Barry Bryan Associates was hired to update their previous reviews of the facility in the summer of 2022. In this comprehensive structural review, an estimate and breakdown of the recommended construction and costs to address the current structural deficiencies to allow the continued use of the Millbrook arena was estimated at $5.2 million dollars (see link Dec 18 2023 Agenda).
These estimates were to address only the structural deficiencies and did not include any costs of improving the exterior of the building, or replacing the field turf in the facility (estimated at $150-350K), or any consideration of the cost(s) related to addressing the hazardous materials and substances that have been identified in the facility, including asbestos, mold and lead paint among others.
At the April 1, 2019 Regular Council meeting the following motion was passed:
That Council direct staff to investigate possible uses for the existing Millbrook arena, in its current state, to generate revenue until the future of the facility is determined. (see report 9.4 from link April 1, 2019 Council Agenda)
From that motion, staff connected with a nearby lacrosse team that was interested in selling their used turf field if it could be installed in a facility where they could utilize it for games and practices and allow other user groups to use it at other times.
At the November 4, 2019 Regular Council Meeting (see link Council Agenda Nov 4, 2019) Council passed a motion that approved the conversion of the existing Millbrook arena to a non-ice recreational facility for the short term.
The in-door turf usage of the facility has always been communicated to the community and user groups as being a temporary, short-term use, while the plans for the park site were being carried out.
In March of 2022, the Township hired the Rethink Group to begin work on consultation for the Vision 2035 – Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan to chart the future of recreation in the Township and update the previous 2011 Parks and Recreation Master Plan. The process included a review of the existing parkland and recreation amenities in the Township, including the Millbrook arena, and to provide recommendations on the future needs of parks and recreation in the Township.
The work on the Vision 2035 - Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan was the focus on the first 2 phases of the consultant’s work.
Phase 1 included a review of the Townships existing Parks and Recreation Plan and a full review of our existing parks and recreation amenities. Once that was complete, the Rethink Group created the content of the household survey and began the household survey and engagement with user groups and committees, as well as an in-person community forum on May 10, 2023.
The public consultation for Phase 1 included a public survey open to all residents in the community that was planned to be open for 4 weeks, but was extended by a few additional weeks (June – August 2023). There was also a user group specific survey that was shared to 29 user groups in the community, 25 of which provide responses. The consultant also had several meetings with different user groups to generate additional feedback, and engaged several committees including the Millbrook BIA, Municipal Revitalization and Heritage, Millbrook Valley Trails committees.
There was an extensive effort made by the consultant and supported by the Township to promote the public participation in the 2035 Vision Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan. There was a notice that the plan was being updated in the 2023 Tax Insert from the Township. In addition, the survey were repeatedly featured in the local newspaper and was promoted over 23 separate times on each of the Townships various social media platforms (23 posts on Instagram, 23 posts on X and 23 posts on Facebook). It was also promoted on screens and/or posters at Township buildings and featured prominently on the homepage of the Townships website.
Phase 1 also included a community forum on the evening of May 10, 2023, the results of which were a part of the presentation to Council in the June 5th report to Council (see link May10, 2023_Community Forum Event Summary). This community forum was promoted in the local newspaper, on the Township website and social media, and to all the user groups.
From all these efforts, the survey had responses from over 319 households, 24 of 29 community user groups, and three committees and the in-person community forum had 28 in-person participants as well as a few additional who attended the discussion virtually (see link Report Parks and Facilities 2023-03).
At the June 5th Regular Council meeting, the Rethink Group presented the findings and results of Phase 1 to Council (see link Report Parks and Facilities 2023-03). In the section of the report that pertained to Millbrook arena, the option to demolish and replace the Millbrook arena with a downtown community park was favoured by 82.5% of respondents in the survey and 75% of participants in the community forum (page 18 of the report). It was also the favoured option by all three of the committees that provide input.
Following the presentation, the following motion was passed by Council:
“That staff be directed to commence planning for the creation of a community park on the Millbrook arena lands; and
That the existing users of the Millbrook arena be permitted to use the existing facility in its current state, until the final plans for the community park are approved by Council, or that the facility becomes a health and safety concern; and
That Council’s direction be carried forward in Phase 2 of the Parks and Recreation Plan – Vision 2035.”
Building on the findings in Phase 1, Phase 2 of the project moved forward with preparing the long-term vision and goals for the new Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan and created options for both the development of the Millbrook arena lands and the remaining parklands behind the CMCC.
In October 2023, there were two community forums open to members of the public to discuss these topics and options for the parkland. These community forums received a similar promotion approach as in Phase 1, and one of the meetings was held on a weekend (October 21st) in an attempt to improve participation.
The feedback from these two community forums was combined to the Phase 1 information, and provided the content for Rethink Group’s Phase 2 presentation to Council at the December 18, 2023 Council Meeting (see link Dec 18 2023 Agenda).
The Township is currently nearing the end of this final phase of the Vision 2035 – Parks and Recreation Master Plan update. For this phase, the Township is working with the firm Landscape Planning, who is taking all of the data and feedback from Phases 1 and 2 and all of the community forums and public input to date.
Landscape Planning will be presenting several conceptual designs for these two areas of parkland at an Open House on November 19th between 4 – 7 p.m. at the CMCC in the Community Hall room
Since installation of the turf field, there have been predominantly 2 - 3 different user groups in the facility. Below is a financial summary of the past two full years of rentals in Millbrook arena operations. The $52,153.22 combines the cost of purchasing and installing the used turf and installing a heating system that was required to enable the use of the facility during the winter months.
Since the turf was installed, almost all of the rentals of the Millbrook arena occur between the months of October - May. Over previous two full years, the facility was rented a total of 1,219 hours. Over the 30-week span when the facility is primarily used, the facility was rented an average of 20.3 hours per week.
It should be said, the facility was not expected to operate at a profit.
- Dec 18, 2023 Council Meeting (Presentation on agenda pages 4-23) - Dec 18, 2023 Agenda
- June 5, 2023 Parks and Recreation Report - Report Parks and Facilities 2023-03
- May 1, 2023 Parks and Rec Plan – Phase 1 Update - Phase 1 Update Report
- May 10, 2023 Community Forum Summary - May10, 2023_Community Forum Event Summary
- March 20, 2023 Agenda (Parks and Facilities 2023 – 01 pages 51-285) - March 20, 2023 Agenda
- November 4, 2019 Agenda (Parks and Facilities 2019-15 on pages 84-188) - Nov 4 2019 Agenda
- April 1, 2019 Agenda (Parks and Facilities 2019-07 pages 69-324) - April 1, 2019 Council Agenda
Building Assessments and Studies:
- 2019 Designated Substance Survey - Designated Substance Report
- 2014 Arena Needs Feasibility Study Final Report - 2014 Arena Needs Feasibility Study
- Sept 6, 2019 Mechanical Site Condition Assessment Report - 2019 Mechanical Report Kirkland
- Sept 6, 2019 Electrical Site Condition Report - 2019_Electrical Condition Report - Kirkland
- Barry Bryan Associates 2022 Structural Investigation Report - 2022 Structural Investigation Report
(Full report on this review available in the March 20, 2023 Regular Council Meeting - March 20, 2023 Agenda)
For a detailed breakdown of your bill is calculated visit our Water and Sewer Billing web page.
Your water and sewer bill contains a combination of both fixed charges and usage charges. Fixed charges allow the municipality to ensure that it has the money required to maintain and service all of the pipes, pumping stations and water treatment plant costs.
Most municipalities with water and sewer systems use a combination of fixed and usage charges in their billing so that people who use more, pay more, but also that the entire system can be maintained to the legislative requirements set by the Province.
More information is available on our Water and Sewer Billing web page.
The money recovered with water and sewer billing goes towards the cost to maintain the water and wastewater systems. If costs are lower than expected in a given year, this money is held in reserves to fund future costs of maintenance and/or replacement of equipment within the two systems.
There is a $60 fee for creating a new water and sewer account.
Tenants may have the water and sewer bills sent directly to them with written authorization from the property owner. Property owners are responsible for notifying the Township of any new changes of tenancy to set up new accounts.
Property owners are responsible for any unpaid balances. An Authorization Form must be completed and the new tenant must also complete a Move-In form. These forms are on the Water and Sewer billing section of the website.
If you have sold your house or you’re a tenant moving out, you must complete a Moving Out Form before the move-out date. You can also visit the Township office and complete the form in person.
If you are a tenant, the landlord must complete the landlord authorization form. A final meter read will be completed at the property and a final bill will be sent out during the next billing cycle. Please be aware the Township must be notified before the move-out date. If notification is not provided additional charges may be incurred, and a late meter reading will result in consumption variances.
The Township of Cavan Monaghan currently has a road patrol that monitors road conditions on all Township and County Roads from November to the end of March. Depending upon the timing and nature of the pending storm, crews are brought in and put on stand-by. Once the storm starts, sand trucks are sent out on designated routes to apply sand as necessary. Operator call-ins on a winter storm event is 4:00 a.m. both during the week and on weekends. In order to minimize winter maintenance costs, operators are only called in specifically on bad storm events. Routine winter maintenance and clean up is usually completed during regular working hours.
The municipality has approximately 235km of roads to maintain or about 470km lanes of road. At the onset of a storm, Staff prepare the roads by applying sand or salt to all routes to give drivers more traction. Sand/salt trucks typically travel a little faster than snow plows averaging about 35km/hour. It would take one truck about 7 hours to sand one side of all of the roads in the Township; 14 hours to cover both travel lanes. As snow accumulates, snow plows are dispatched when a depth of about 8cm or 3 inches is reached. Snow plows travel slightly slower at about 30km/hour. To cover all roads in the Township it would take about 8 hours or 16 hours for both lanes.
According to the Highway Traffic Act, a snowplow operator can work 13 hours. After that they cannot drive again in the same day and must have a minimum of 8 hours off duty before another shift can be started. This can be challenging during a full call-out for operators in a storm situation. The Municipality must prioritize roads for snow removal. Main routes or main arterial roads that are travelled most are addressed first followed by roads in subdivisions and neighbourhoods.
- Be patient – In heavy snow falls, it takes us longer to get all streets clear.
- Leave room for plows - When you see the flashing lights on the winter maintenance equipment, remain a safe distance behind them. Also, never pass a snow plow. This is an extremely dangerous practice.
- Keep parked cars off streets wherever possible. By-law 2019-25 prohibits overnight parking in Millbrook Ward between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m.
- Keep fire hydrants clear and visible.
- Throw snow on your lawn, not on the street. Shoveling snow back onto the street creates unsafe road conditions for motorists and is prohibited by the Highway Traffic Act.
If your mailbox is damaged by a snow plow, you may be eligible for a reimbursement of a new mailbox for up to $35. Please contact the Public Works Clerk for more information: 705-932-9323.
Please note: Mailboxes that are damaged or dislodged by the direct weight and force of snow thrown from the plow are not eligible for reimbursement.
- how land may be used
- where buildings and other structures can be located
- the types of buildings that are permitted and how they may be used
- the lot sizes and dimensions, parking requirements, building heights and setbacks from the street
You can find the zoning of your property:
- by viewing the Township of Cavan Monaghan Zoning By-law 2018-58 as amended Maps (please note that the Maps may not reflect the most up to date information and therefore you are advised to verify the zone through the two options below);
- as a layer on the County of Peterborough Public GIS Website; or
- by contacting our Planning Department at 705-932-9321.
- Once you have the zone category for your property, you can look up the corresponding permitted uses in the text of the Zoning By-law.
Information Package
Your Septic System Friend
Installation or Alteration
Inspection of Existing Septic Systems
Copy of Sewage System and/or Installation Report
- by viewing the Township of Cavan Monaghan Zoning By-law 2018-58 as amended Maps (please note that the Maps may not reflect the most up to date information and therefore you are advised to verify the zone through the two options below);
- as a layer on the County of Peterborough Public GIS Website; or
- by contacting our Planning Department at 705-932-9321.
- Once you have the zone category for your property, you can look up the corresponding permitted uses in the text of the Zoning By-law.
If you are considering installing a sign or changing a sign, it is important to know what the rules are.
Before submitting a sign permit application, please read and understand regulations for signage. Click here for more information on signage regulations.
- Single-family dwellings – 10 business days
- Small buildings other than houses – 15 business days
- Large buildings – 20 business days
- Complex buildings – 30 business days
The Township of Cavan Monaghan applies load restrictions during the "spring break up" period when a road base is at its weakest condition as ground frost thaws and melts. Signs will be posted for March 1st, 2021 and will be removed on May 1 or when it is deemed that the restrictions are no longer needed.
Periods of reduced vehicle loading is enforced on select Township roads that may be susceptible to damage. Load restrictions apply only when the signs are displayed on the roadway.
Vehicles exceeding the 5 tonne per axle load restriction must take alternate routes or will be subject to penalties described in the Highway Traffic Act.
The Township of Cavan Monaghan municipal addresses are assigned at the time an entrance permit is approved. Civic addresses are numbered based on the placement of the driveway.
There is a fee of $55.00 plus applicable taxes for administration and the placement of a green metal blade civic address sign at the property entrance.
Generally, even numbers are assigned to the north and west sides of the road and odd numbers are assigned to the south and east side of the road. However, this is not always the case as some numbers were assigned to properties prior to the amalgamation of the three townships in 1998 and adoption of the numbering policy.
For information regarding 9-1-1 numbering, please contact the Public Works Clerk at 705-932-9323
- Staff do a regular facility inspection to identify repair and efficiency upgrade requirements; Applied for funding for retrofits to the Old Millbrook School to make an older building more energy efficient; have replaced windows
- Lights are replaced with more energy efficient alternatives
- Section 3.6 of the Township's Official Plan (Energy Conservation) requires that all buildings in excess of 600 square metres to meet a LEED Silver or better design standard; Section 3.15 specifically defines Council considerations for development of industrial, institutional, commercial and multiple residential buildings specifically related to LEED Design
- The Cavan Monaghan Community Centre (CMCC)was built to a LEED Standard
- Appliances within the CMCC are all EnergyStar rated
- Renovations to the Municipal Office included the upgrade of insulation to improve heating and cooling systems.
- Recently upgraded the windows of the Old Millbrook School to more energy efficient models.
- Public works have installed eight solar panels across the Township
- Exterior lighting in downtown Millbrook has been retrofitted to more energy efficient models.
- Municipal Office has been equipped with source separated containers including organic waste.
We have a Community Improvement Plan (CIP) for downtown Millbrook that offers Financial Incentives for Building & Site Improvements including windows, roofs and doors.
- We have provisions in our Official Plan supporting alternative energy: Specifically, Section 3.2; Section 3.22 Urban Design Guidelines and Section 4.1.7 Residential Urban Design Guidelines
- The Township of Cavan Monaghan started a pilot Organic Waste program for Millbrook area residents in November 2019.
- Molok's have been installed at the Transfer Station for all Township resident to dispose of their organic waste.
- In September 2020 Peterborough County Council passed a motion to enter into a pilot partnership agreement with Peterborough Green Up to support achieving the community targets as a collaborative, that were established within the County, Townships and 2 First Nations
- The result of that was the formation of a Community Advisory Group to assist GreenUp and the County in implementing and executing actions, strategies and deliverables that will meet CCAP Objectives. Township Staff are part of that committee
- To date three key initiatives the Committee has focused on to date:
• Home Retrofit Video Series
• Green Economy Peterborough
• County School Climate Action Guide
- We added Station Trail to our Millbrook Valley Trail System – a 1.6 km trail that connects the new subdivision to downtown
- We added a community bike rack on King Street in Downtown Millbrook
- We are part of the Kawartha Cycling Route
- We actively work with developers to encourage/require the installation of sidewalks and connections to our trail systems as a way of making our community more walkable.
- Section 12.2.15 of the Township's Zoning By-law currently requires bicycle parking for retail, personal, institutional, industrial, public and private school and dwellings or mixed use buildings with more than 6 dwelling units.
- We have a community garden located at the Old Millbrook School
- The Millbrook Farmers Market has added more dates to their schedule and use the parking lot of the Old Millbrook School.
- The Township recently adopted a Tree Preservation Policy.
- February 28
- May 31
- August 31
- October 31
Low income seniors and low-income persons with disabilities may be eligible for a tax rebate of up to $200.00 in any given year. A full outline of eligibility can be found on the Relief of Tax Increase Application Form
Tax Relief for Seniors and Low-Income persons with disabilities
Each year the Municipality is responsible for determining the costs of providing services to residents in the form of a budget. The budget contains estimated revenues and expenditures for the Municipality for a given year. The budget serves as a guide for Council and Staff to ensure they are providing services in an effective and efficient manner. A copy of the current year's budget and consolidated financial statements are available on the Township's website.