Garbage and Recycling

The Township of Cavan Monaghan has multiple programs for you to participate in when it comes to waste management.  Not sure how to dispose of something? Visit the Peterborough County searchable waste portal!

Organic Waste 

We have installed Molok’s Organic Waste Containers at our Transfer Station located at 1427 Syer Line, Fraserville for residents outside the Millbrook built-up area.

Please bring your organic waste items in a compostable or paper bag and divert waste going to the landfill.

Curbside Collection

Cavan Monaghan Waste Management operates the Clear Bag Program that is provided to all residents for the collection of curbside household waste disposal.

Coloured or tinted garbage bags will not be accepted and only clear bags will be accepted curbside and at the Transfer Station located at 1427 Syer Line, Fraserville.

Curbside collection for all residents take place on:

  • Wednesday for North Monaghan collection
  • Friday for Millbrook and Cavan collection

Transfer Station

If you missed your curbside collection, or have excess garbage, the Transfer Station is available to residents for disposal of their household waste.

All household residential waste bags will be charged fees described in the User Fees and Charges By-law.

The Peterborough County-City Landfill is open to the general public and various materials can be disposed of by Peterborough County residents.

Please visit their website for disposal fees and additional information including operational hours.

Household Hazardous Waste

The County of Peterborough manages the Household Hazardous Waste program, for more information on Household Hazardous Waste items search their great waste portal.


Peterborough County’s recycling program is now managed by Circular Materials (CMO) – the administrator of the common collection system and a not-for-profit organization that is committed to building an efficient and effective recycling system in Ontario. Visit Circular Materials website for more information. Peterborough County Recycling Programs | Circular Materials

Curbside Recycling collection will continue as usual on the same day as garbage collection.

Recycling must be in a clearly visible area, properly sorted at the curb by 7:00 a.m. on your scheduled pick up day. Please see the Blue Box Sort Guidfor reference on properly sorting requirements.

Please contact Emterra Environmental directly at 1-888-597-1541 or if you have any questions or issues regarding your recycling including acquiring new/replacement bins, missed collections or any other recycling inquiries. 

Leaf and Yard Waste

The Leaf and Yard Waste Program is a service provided to all residents. There are specified dates for curbside pick up but drop off is available all year round at the Peterborough Waste Management Facility (1260 Bensfort Road, Peterborough).  Collection dates are now available, please visit our Leaf and Yard Waste Program page for the 2025 dates.
