Budget and Financial Statements
The Finance Department ensures accountability through budgeting, accounting and reporting on the municipal financial transactions.
Each year the Municipality is responsible for determining the costs of providing services to residents in the form of a budget. The budget contains estimated revenues and expenditures for the Municipality for a given year. The budget serves as a guide for Council and Staff to ensure they are providing services in an effective and efficient manner.
Budget |
Reserves and Development Charge Reserve Funds (Audited) |
Consolidated Financial Statements |
The Consolidated Financial Statements are the responsibility of the Municipality's management. The Council of the Township of Cavan Monaghan appoints a Chartered Accountant firm to audit the financial statements.
Financial Information Returns (FIR) - Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing |
Asset Management Plan |
This Asset Management Plan (AMP) for the Township of Cavan Monaghan meets all requirements as outlined within the provincial "Building Together Guide for Municipal Asset Management Plans." It provides a strategic, tactical, and financial document, ensuring the management of the municipal infrastructure follows sound asset management practices and principles, while optimizing available resources and establishing desired levels of service. The performance of a community's infrastructure provides the foundation for its economic development, competitiveness, prosperity, reputation, and the overall quality of life for its residents. Reliable and well-maintained infrastructure assets are essential for the delivery of critical core services for the citizens of a municipality. On June 20, 2022 Council received the Asset Management Plan for the Township of Cavan Monaghan and approved the posting of the AMP to the Township of Cavan Monaghan’s website. This update contains the July 1, 2022 (Phase 2) legislative requirements as they relate to the Asset Management Plan, per O. Reg. 588/17: Asset Management Planning for Municipal Infrastructure, Infrastructure for Jobs and Prosperity Act, 2015, S.O. 2015, c.15. The Public Works Department will be working with Public Sector Digest to update the Asset Management Plan to include updated information in relation to forecasting asset details. The Ministry of Infrastructure Asset Management Plan (AMP) timelines are as follows;
The AMP emphasizes the need to continue to invest in municipal infrastructure while managing risks and replacement with fiscal responsibility.