Pecuniary Interest Guidelines

Legislation: The Municipal Conflict of Interest Act sets out the provisions of pecuniary interest. Understanding these provisions allows Council members to perform their public duties in compliance with legislation.

Pecuniary Interest:

Members must disclose a direct or indirect pecuniary interest in matters that are before Council for consideration. Although not defined in the Act, the dictionary defines pecuniary as "relating to money". The direct interest relates to the private members interest (directly profiting or losing money), while indirect interests are public. For example, a Councillor employed by the province indirectly has interest in the province (a public interest). Pecuniary interest of a spouse, child or parent of a member is also deemed to be an interest.

Procedures for Disclosure:

If a matter comes before Council that a member believes he or she has a pecuniary interest in, there are clear procedures to follow. The member should:

  • Declare the pecuniary interest at the commencement of a Council meeting. When the matter of pecuniary interest is before Council.
  • Refrain from attempting in any way whether before, during or after the meeting to influence the voting on any such matter.
  • Complete and submit the Disclosure of a Pecuniary Interest Form to the Clerk on the same day the matter is before Council.
  • These procedures apply to all regular and special meetings of Council.

Vote Implications:

When pecuniary interest has been declared,  the member of Council making the declaration must refrain from voting. Quorum is then established with the remaining members. 

Mayor Matthew Graham


Deputy Mayor Ryan Huntley


Councillor Nelson Edgerton


Councillor Gerry Byrne


Councillor Lance Nachoff

 June 24, 2024 - Item 12.5 Report - PEB 2024-31 2024 Community Improvement Plan Grant Program Recipients