Water Safety Statement - Thursday March 20, 2025

The Otonabee Region Conservation Authority has issued a Water Safety Statement to municipalities within the jurisdiction of Otonabee Conservation and for Trent-Severn Waterway (TSW) and all local watercourses.

This Water Safety Statement is being issued to remind residents and visitors of the potential dangers that exist around water bodies. Slippery, unstable streambanks and fast flowing, cold water temperatures create extremely hazardous conditions close to waterbodies and watercourses. As well, all ice cover should be considered weak and extremely dangerous.

Flood Risk:

Continued melt and non-threatening rainfall will result in increased water levels, faster flows and weakening ice cover.  Currently there are no flooding concerns.

Weather Situation:

The 5-day forecast is for continued positive air temperatures during the day, combined with total rainfall accumulations of 20-25 millimeters, including 5-10 millimeters of rain today, Thursday, March 20th.

Stay informed, stay prepared, and stay safe this spring season:

  • Keep people and pets away from shorelines.
  • Avoid all recreational activities in or around water, especially waterbodies with ice cover.
  • Do not attempt to walk on or around ice-covered waterbodies
  • Do not attempt to drive through flooded roads or fast-moving water.
  • Rescuing anyone from icy water is dangerous. If you see a person or pet that has fallen through the ice, call 911 immediately.

This Watershed Conditions Statement-Water Safety is effective immediately and will remain in effect until 3 p.m., Thursday, March 27, 2025, unless updated earlier.