Postponing the 2022 Peterborough County Recognition Award due to the severe storm and power outages

Due to the severe storm on May 21st many Peterborough County residents are still without power and are dealing with property damage and clean up. The Peterborough County Awards and Bursaries Committee decided at their meeting this afternoon to postpone the Peterborough County Recognition Awards ceremony that was scheduled for this coming Friday, May 27th.
The Awards and Bursaries Committee felt rescheduling the Recognition Awards will give residents some time to deal with power outages, clean-up of debris on their property and assist family, friends and neighbours where needed. “We’ve waited this long to celebrate, said Warden J. Murray Jones, waiting another few weeks will see us in a better place to actually celebrate our award recipients.”
The new date for the ceremony is Thursday, June 23rd at 6:30 p.m. at the Cavan Monaghan Community Centre, 986 County Road 10 in Millbrook.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Clerk, Kari Stevenson at or 705-743-0380 extension 2101.