Notice of Intention to Remove Holding Symbol - 2148 Davis Road

Take Notice that the Council of the Township of Cavan Monaghan intends to pass an amending By-law to remove the holding symbol (H12) from the Hamlet Residential Exception Twenty Holding Twelve (HR-20-H12) Zone as it pertains to lands at 2148 Davis Drive, part of Lot 1, Concession 11 (North Monaghan).
A Key Map showing the lands to which the By-law applies is listed above.
In June of 2023, the Township of Cavan Monaghan approved By-law No. 2023-47 to rezone certain lands in part Lot 1, Concession 11 (North Monaghan), being property assessment roll number 1509-030-001-181-00, to the Hamlet Residential Exception Twenty Holding Twelve (HR-20-H12) Zone.
The HR-20 Zone permits an accessory apartment in an accessory building. The accessory apartment will comply with the 45% of the gross floor area of the main dwelling regulation.
The holding provision attached to the HR-20-H12 Zone can be removed only when the Owner provides a scoped hydrogeological study that demonstrates that the existing well can supply a sufficient quantity and acceptable quality of water to support the existing use and the proposed accessory apartment without unacceptably interfering with existing nearby wells.
The Owner provided the required information and Township Staff are satisfied with the submission.
The earliest that Council may consider removing the holding symbol is Monday, January 15, 2024.
Please note that there is no opportunity to appeal the decision to remove the holding symbol to the Ontario Land Tribunal. However, if you wish to be notified of the decision of the Township of Cavan Monaghan regarding the removal of the holding symbol, you must make a written request to the Township of Cavan Monaghan at 988 County Road 10, Millbrook, ON L0A 1GO or via email at .
Dated at the Township of Cavan Monaghan this 4th day of January 2024.
Karlie Cornish-Tkalec, Deputy Clerk - Township of Cavan Monaghan