Notice of Complete Application: Plan of Subdivision: 1683 Moore Dr, 1490 Cnty Rd 28, 1382 Cnty Rd 28

Take notice that the Corporation of the County of Peterborough has received a complete application for
a Plan of Subdivision in accordance with Section 51 of the Planning Act. The application has been
assigned file number 15T-22003.
And take notice that the Corporation of the Township of Cavan Monaghan has received complete
applications for two Official Plan Amendments (OPA) in accordance with Section 22(6.4) of the Planning
Act. These applications have been assigned file numbers OPA-03-22 and OPA-04-22.
A future public meeting will be scheduled on these applications and notification of the public meeting will
be provided in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act.
The subject lands are located in part of Lots 22 and 23, Concession 8, Cavan Ward, Township of Cavan
Monaghan. A key map is provided above which indicates the location of the lands that are subject to the
applications. The lands are known municipally as 1683 Moore Drive, 1490 County Road 28, and 1382
County Road 28.
Purpose and Effect of the Applications
The subdivision application proposes a total of 517 residential units in single detached, semi-detached
and block townhouses. Additional blocks are proposed for roadways, walkways, stormwater management
ponds and open space areas. The subdivision is proposed to be serviced by a water and wastewater
system which is intended to be turned over to the Township of Cavan Monaghan in the long-term.
The first Official Plan Amendment (OPA) (File No. OPA-03-22) proposes to change the land use
designation on a portion of the lands to facilitate the proposed plan of subdivision. This OPA also proposes
to change the designation from Commercial Entertainment to Site Specific Residential designations
pursuant to the Minister’s Zoning Order (O. Reg 160/22). The existing Natural Core and Natural Linkage
designations are to remain unchanged. The OPA for Residential Designation is with respect to lands
municipally known as 1683 Moore Drive and 1490 County Road 28.
The second OPA (File No. OPA-04-22) also addresses the additional uses permitted by Minister’s Zoning
Order (O. Reg. 160/22) for the Entertainment Commercial Zone through increased land use permissions
for the Commercial Entertainment land use designation in the Township Official Plan for Kawartha Downs
at 1382 County Road 28.
Related Applications
The Township of Cavan Monaghan has also received a complete application for site plan approval
under Section 41 of the Planning Act for lands at 1382 County Road 28. This application has been
assigned File No. SPA-05-22.
The Right to Appeal
If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions
to the County of Peterborough in respect of the proposed subdivision, or to the Township of Cavan
Monaghan in respect of the proposed Official Plan Amendment, before the approval authorities give or
refuse to give approval to the applications, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision
of the approval authority to the Ontario Land Tribunal.
If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions
to the County of Peterborough in respect of the proposed subdivision or to the Township of Cavan
Monaghan in respect of the proposed Official Plan Amendment, before the approval authorities make a
decision regarding the applications, the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing
of an appeal before the Ontario Land Tribunal unless, in the opinion of the Tribunal, there are reasonable
grounds to do so.
To Be Notified
If you wish to be notified of the decision for any or all of the applications, you must make a written request
to the County of Peterborough or Township of Cavan Monaghan at the addresses noted below.
This notice is circulated as a requirement of the Planning Act and is intended to provide the public and
ministries / agencies with information related to the proposed amendment, in order to solicit public / agency
input. This notice does not infer that the application is approved.
Getting Additional Information
The applications and supporting documents are posted online at and at
To view a hardcopy of the submission items or for additional information concerning the applications,
please contact the County of Peterborough or the Township of Cavan Monaghan at the addresses noted
County of Peterborough | Township of Cavan Monaghan |
470 Water Street Peterborough, ON K9H 3M3 Tel: (705) 743-0380 |
988 County Road 10 Millbrook, ON L0A 1G0 Tel: (705) 932-2929 |
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