Notice of Adoption: Official Plan Amendment No. 11: Community Improvement Expansion

Notice of Adoption
With Respect to Official Plan Amendment No. 11 to the Township of Cavan Monaghan Official Plan
Application No. OPA-02-22 Township of Cavan Monaghan
Take Notice that, in accordance with Section 17 (23) of the Planning Act, the Council of the Township of Cavan Monaghan passed By-law No. 2022-47 to adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 11 to the Township of Cavan Monaghan Official Plan on the 4th day of July, 2022.
Purpose and Effect of the Official Plan Amendment
The purpose of Amendment No. 11 to the Township of Cavan Monaghan Official Plan is to introduce planning policies to expand the existing Community Improvement Plan (CIP) area to include all lands within the Township. The Amendment identifies two (2) new CIP areas – Urban Fringe Area and the Rural Area and adds several new objectives to the CIP policies in the Plan.
Official Plan Amendment No. 11 applies to all lands within the Township of Cavan Monaghan. As such, no key map is provided.
A CIP establishes a planning and economic development framework designed to stimulate private sector investment to meet community improvement goals and objectives. The amended CIP policies will support community development across the Township by providing a framework for funding opportunities and programs available to businesses, property owners and tenants in each of the three (3) identified areas.
Written and Oral Submissions
In accordance with S. 17 (23.1) (a) of the Planning Act, Council has not received any public comments about or objections to the OPA or the CIP-E. Council’s decision was based on conformity to the Provincial, County and Township planning frameworks.
Additional Information
Official Plan Amendment No. 11 will be forwarded to Peterborough County for review and approval. Any person or public body will be entitled to receive notice of the decision of the approval authority if a written request to be notified of the decision (including the person’s or public body’s address, fax number or email address) is made to the approval authority. Written requests can be forwarded to the County of Peterborough Planning Department, County Court House, 470 Water Street, Peterborough ON K9H 3M3.
Additional information about Official Plan Amendment No. 11 is available for public inspection by contacting the Township of Cavan Monaghan Municipal Office or the Peterborough County Planning Department.
Dated at the Township of Cavan Monaghan this 5th day of July, 2022.
Cindy Page, Clerk
Township of Cavan Monaghan