Flood Watch: September 22, 2021

Message # 2021-11
Issued: 11:00 a.m., Wednesday September 22, 2021
Subject: Flood Watch issued for all waterbodies/watercourses in the Otonabee Region watershed
Issued to: Municipalities of Selwyn, Douro-Dummer, Asphodel-Norwood, Otonabee-South Monaghan, Cavan Monaghan, City of Kawartha Lakes, City of Peterborough and Trent Hills, and Otonabee Conservation’s other partners in flood emergency management.
A Flood Watch is issued to alert municipalities and residents that flood conditions are a possibility.
Weather Forecast: Throughout the next 48-hours, a moisture-laden low-pressure system and associated cold front is moving through our Region. The system will bring widespread rain and isolated thunderstorms throughout the next 48-hours. Heavy downpours are expected to deliver as much as 15-20 mm in one hour. Total rainfall amounts are expected to be in the order of 40-60mm today and another 20 mm, tomorrow. Higher amounts are possible due to thunderstorms. Some lingering rainfall may continue over the weekend, but the main concern is heavy downpours and thunderstorms during the next 48-hours.
Flood Threat: Heavy downpours and thunderstorms can cause flash floods and water pooling on roads and low-lying areas. Localized flooding is possible. As a minimum, higher than normal water levels and flows can be expected in our lakes, rivers, streams, creeks, and wetlands, especially in the vicinity of culverts and bridges. Higher than normal water levels and flows will continue over the weekend as the significant rainfall receipts of today and tomorrow flush through our waterways.
Residents are advised to be extremely cautious around all local lakes, rivers, streams, and creeks because shorelines/riverbanks will be slippery and could be undercut, and currents will be strong. Road-side ditches, wetlands and other low-lying areas may experience unsafe ponding conditions. Dams and other water control/water conveyance structures are especially dangerous and should always be avoided.
With this message, Otonabee Conservation is advising all area municipalities and residents to prepare themselves for possible flooding. Area water information can be monitored on-line at:
- Trent-Severn Waterway’s Water Management InfoNet
- Water Survey of Canada Real-Time Hydrometric Data
- Otonabee Conservation Precipitation and Water Level Data
This Flood Watch message will expire Monday, September 27, 2021, at 4 p.m. unless updated prior to this date and time.
For more information, please contact:
Gordon Earle | Flood Forecasting & Warning Duty Officer | 705-745-5791 x 214
250 Milroy Drive, Peterborough, ON K9H 7M9
orcafloodduty@otonabeeconservation.com | Flood Watch Hotline 705-745-5791 x 228