Bridle Trail Residential Development

Posted on Thursday, May 09, 2024
Bridle Trail Development Key Map

Servicing Municipal Class Environmental Assessment

Notice of Amended Project and Public Information Session Number 1 

RIC (Moore Drive) and RIC (Highway 28) Inc. (proponents), are undertaking a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) to confirm the propsed water servicing, wastewater servicing, transportation improvements and stormwater management to service the Bridle Trail residential development. The Project is being completed as a Schedule ‘C’ MCEA. The residential development is planned for the lands immediately north of the Kawartha Downs site which is also being re-developed, with the study bounded by Moore Drive and Peterborough Rd 28 (Figure above).

The Study Area are not presently municipally serviced and are not included in the current Master Servicing Strategy EA being undertaken by the Township of Cavan Monaghan, which follows completion of the Growth Management Strategy for the Township of Cavan Monoghan. Consequently, the proponents must examine alternative solutions for the provision of sanitary servicing and storm water management for the flows that will be generated by the development, as well as improvements to permit access to the site and address traffic loading.

Project Overview

In March 2022 a Minister’s Zoning Order (MZO) was filed under the Planning Act which rezoned the developable land of the Study area as Residential. In accordance with the MZO, the proponents developed a Draft Plan of Subdivision and Official Plan Ammendment which were submitted to the Township of Cavan Monaghan in September 2022.

You are invited to attend Public Information Center (PIC) No. 1 being held for the Bridle Trail Development Servicing MCEA. The PIC will be a drop in format where the public can attend at any time during the two-hour session, review the displayed information, and ask questions of the Project Team. The PIC will present the project’s progress in the MCEA process including the recommendations for Phase 1 (Problem Opportunity Statement) and Phase 2 (Alternative Solutions) of the MCEA process and provided an introduction to Phase 3 (Alternative Design Concepts).

When: May 14, 2024 

Time: 6:00-8:00 p.m

Where: Kawartha Downs 1382 County Road 28 Fraserville, ON K1L 1V0

Want to Get Involved?

Consultation is an important part of the MCEA, and we want to hear from you. With this in mind, this will be the first of two planned PICs for the Class EA. All PICs will be advertised via direct and/or electronic mail to those on the project mailing list and on the Kawartha Downs website.

As the study progresses, information will be made available at the Kawartha Downs site and posted to the project website Information will also be made available through the Project Contacts listed below.

If you have any questions or comments, wish to receive additional information on the study, or to be added to the mailing list to receive further notifications of the study, please contact either of the following study team members:

Project Contacts
Nigel JoyceChristian Chan

Environmental Planner GHD

70 York Street Suite 801, Toronto, ON M5J 1S9

Phone: 905-429-5057


Principal/Planner The Planning Agency Inc.

Suite 138-157 Adelaide Street West. Toronto, ON M5H 4E7

Phone: 416-858-2257


Additional Documents

Notice of amended project and public information session