Parks and Recreation Master Plan
In March 2022, the Township of Cavan Monaghan embarked on a process to update the 2011 Parks and Recreation Master Plan. In addition to a comprehensive review of and recommendations for delivery of services, culture and recreation facilities, and parks and open space, the planning process will identify and review options for the future of the Millbrook Arena and property, as well as the remaining lands at the new Cavan Monaghan Community Centre.Vision 2035 will be completed in two phases.
Phase One is comprised of background research, initial community engagement, demand assessment, trends, analysis, and findings and conclusions to support the recommendations that will be prepared in Phase Two. A Background Report has been prepared and will continue to be edited throughout Phase Two as new information becomes available and is analyzed.
A Community Forum was held Wednesday May 10, 2023 to provide an overview of Vision 2035 and to seek input from the community on recreation facilities and parks. The meeting was also livestreamed through the Township's YouTube™ Channel.
Phase Two, which will be completed in 2023, will include additional community engagement, background research and analysis. The foundation of the Plan will be a Belief Statement, Guiding Principles and a Long-Term Vision. They will support the Strategic Action and Implementation Plan that will provide detailed recommendation pertaining to the delivery of parks and recreation services, parks and open space, culture and recreation facilities, programming, implementation and other areas of recommendation. Strategic direction will be provided for the future of the Millbrook Arena and site, the remining lands at the new Cavan Monaghan Community Centre, and other high profile properties.
This is a working draft of the Vision 2035 – Strategic Plan for Parks and Recreation. We are looking for feedback from the Community. In-person Community Forums will be hosted at the Municipal Office in Council Chambers:
- Saturday October 21, 2023 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
- Wednesday October 25, 2023 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
If you would like to attend please register with Robert Lockhart by email: by October 18, 2023.
If you are unable to attend a Community Forum but would like to provide input on the draft plan please forward your comments to .
A final document will be posted to this page once all comments have been considered.
Upcoming Focus Groups
- Saturday October 21, 2023 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
- Wednesday October 25, 2023 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Both sessions will be held in Council Chambers at the Municipal Office at 988 County Road 10.
Additional Resources
- Vision 2035 - Strategic Plan for Parks and Recreation - DRAFT
- Presentation to Council March 20, 2023: Robert Lockhart, The Rethink Group - Vision 2035 Parks and Recreation Plan - Background Report (Phase One)
- Staff Report to Council March 20, 2023
- Working Draft Parks and Recreation Plan – Vision 2035 Background Report
- Appendix A - Parks and Recreation Household Survey, Township of Cavan Monaghan, 2022
- Appendix B - Requests for Additional Ice Time at the CMCC from the User Group Survey
- Appendix C: Inventory of Parks and Other Public and Publicly Available Open Space, Township of Cavan Monaghan
- Appendix D: Information and Resources
- Structural Assessment of Millbrook Arena - Barry Bryan Associates
- Electrical Site Condition Assessment Report of Millbrook Arena - Kirkland Engineering
- Mechanical Site Condition Assessment Report of Millbrook Arena - Kirkland Engineering
- Working Draft Parks and Recreation Plan – Vision 2035 Background Report
- Staff Report to Council May 1, 2023
- Report Attachments
- Attachment No. 1 – EMC Scientific Incorporated Laboratory Analysis
- Attachment No. 2 - Cambium Designated Substances Survey
- Attachment No. 3 - Salandria LTD Demolition Estimate
- Attachment No. 4 - ICIP: Community, Culture and Recreation Stream – Rehabilitation and Renovation Intake
- Attachment No. 5 - Robert Lockhart, The Rethink Group - Vision 2035 Parks and Recreation Plan - Background Report (Phase One)
- Report Attachments
- Staff Report to Council June 5, 2023
- Report Attachments
- Attachment No. 1 - Community Forum
- Attachment No. 2 - Information About the Millbrook Arena Emanating from the Parks and Recreation Master Plan
- Attachment No. 3 – Cavan Monaghan Parks and Recreation Plan Proposed order of
magnitude costing for Downtown Park at Millbrook Arena site
- Livestream Regular Council Meeting, June 5, 2023
- Report Attachments