Invasive Species

Invasive species are plants, animals and micro-organisms that are not native to this region whose introduction and/or spread negatively impact the environment.  The Ontario Invasive Plant Council has a number of resources available to engage and empower Ontarians to take action on invasive plant issues.

Don't let Invasive species hitch a ride! Remember to Look before you leave!

We can protect our local environment with the following tips!

  1. Stay on designated trails when hiking or biking.
  2. Inspect and clean off dirt, plants and bugs from boots clothing and equipment.
  3. Groom your pets onsite after hiking.
  4. If you are camping, buy firewood locally and leave your campsite clean.
  5. Learn to identify common invasive plants and report them to the Invading Species Hotline: 1-800-563-7711.

Learn more about the impacts of various invasive species through the many resources available here: