Downtown Park

On June 5, 2023, Council directed Staff to start planning for the creation of a community park in Downtown Millbrook on the lands of the Old Millbrook Arena.  This planning was to take place as part of Phase 2 of the Parks and Recreation Plan – Vision 2035.

In June of this year, Council awarded the development of a conceptual design and site plan for this Downtown Park to Landscape Planning Ltd.  The scope of the project includes six (6) key components. 

  1. Data Gathering and Analysis
  2. Initial Stakeholder Engagement
  3. Conceptual Site Layout
  4. Public Engagement and Outreach
  5. Preliminary Site Plan
  6. Draft Revisions and Final Site Plan 

As part of the engagement strategy for this project, the consultant will be reaching out to various downtown groups/association, Conservation Authority, Public Library, Staff, Council and First Nation representatives as well as the residents of the community to gain insight as to what facilities the park should have.

Landscape Planning has developed an online survey which is a crucial part of the public consultation process for the Downtown Park. Your participation will help the Township of Cavan Monaghan in planning and developing a this park.  Your input is invaluable as we strive to better understand and address the community’s needs and preferences for this Township-wide asset. All information provided will be kept confidential and used solely for research purposes.  

Paper copies are also available at the Municipal Office for you to pick up and complete.

Please subscribe to this page to stay up-to-date on opportunities to get involved in this process.  You can also follow us on social media, Facebook, X or Instagram.  There will be lots of opportunity to provide input both in person and online.